Sunday, July 15, 2007

Module 6
News and Media

1. Do you think reading is boring or exiting?
2. How do you feel in your English class
3. What things make you feel frightened?
4. What kind of TV programs do you like?
5. Do you like science-fiction films?
6. Have you ever participate in a game show?
7. Do you like cartoons?
8. Have you ever known a shoplifter?
9. When was RCTV closed?
10. Was your last interview taken by proffesor Mary Pinto?
11. Was your first exam in this semester corrected by your teacher?
12. Is your breakfast usually fixed by your mother?
13. Will your teachers be changed for the next semester?
14. Is your homework made yourself?
15. Have you ever been on a diet?
16. How do you feel in an exam?
17. Have you ever feel confused in an interview?
18. Who was Man on Fire directed by?
19. Who was killed in the last scene of man on fire?
20. Where is English spoken?
21. When will be emited the grades of the exam?
22. Has this subject been interesting for you?
23. What clothes was worn by you last night?
24. Who was this question written by?
25. Who is this subject taken by?
26. Who was the last exam made by?
27. When will be given the summer's party?
28. How do you feel in a party?
29. How has MCC III been for you?
30. Who was the last exam failed by?

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