Saturday, July 14, 2007

Module 7
Social Matters

1. Would you mind lending me ten pounds?
2. Could you possibly hold my bag for a minute?
3. Do you mind if I use your pencil?
4. Will you bring me my book please?
5. Can you listen to me for a minute?
6. Could you read the letter for me please?
7. Would you help me with my homework?
8. Do you think you could help me with the homework please?
9. Is it alright if I turn the TV on?
10. Is it OK if I open the window?
11. Could you please turn the radio down?
12. Can I use your computer?
13. Do you think we could have lunch together?
14. Shall we go to the movies?
15. Do you want me to take this for you?
16. Do you think I could stay here for a minute?
17. Could I take a sit?
18. Could I possibly wait for him here?
19. Do you want me to do it for you?
20. It's common for couples to get married late?
21. Do many people from your city tend to listen old music?
22. Do most people live in flats or in houses?
23. How many people in your house tend to go out on weekends?
24. How many people in your hause speak English?
25. Do people in your city tend to go to the beach?
26. Shall open the door for you?
27. Shall we go out tonight?
28. Do you want me to wait for you there?
29. Would you like me to buy a present for him?
30. Would you fix the breakfast?

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