Thursday, July 26, 2007

Module 1
About you

1. Do you like coffee?
2. Do you live with your parents?
3. Do you work/study?
4. Where do you work/study?
5. what kind of music do you like?
6. How do you pronounce “skirt”?
7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
8. Who is your best friend?
9. Are you single?
10. How many people live in your hause?
11. Do you have any siblings?
12. Who do you live with?
13. Do you have any children?
14. Do you enjoy reading?
15. Are you losing weight?
16. What do you do for fun?
17. Do you have any pets?
18. Do you have any hobbies?
19. Do you have any cousins?
20. Where do you live?
21. Where are you from?
22. Would you like to have a child?
23. How long have you been living in your hause?
24. Do you smoke?
25. What do you like doing in your free time?
26. Who you are with?
27. How do you get here from your house?
28. Do you agree with divorces?
29. Do you usually spend a lot of time with your family?
30. Would you like to get marry and some years then get a divorce? Why?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Module 2

1. Do you know how to swim?
2. Do you remember my phone number?
3. Did you forget my address?
4. Do you remember your first day at school?
5. Do you know when my birthday is?
6. What were you doing last week?
7. Where did you spend your last birthday?
8. Who were you with yesterday morning?
9. What were you wearing the day before yesterday?
10. Who was your last teacher's name?
11. Do you remember your pre-school's best friend?
12. Why did you decide to study this career?
13. What was your best friend wearing last night?
14. Can you recognise your best friend's handwrite?
15. Did you lose the video game?
16. Do you remember your last conversation with your dad?
17. What time did your last English lesson finish?
18. Do you know how old your grandmother is?
19. Did you get here on time today?
20. Could you sing the first song you learned?
21. Did you like the last gift your dad gave you?
22. Do you remember your brother's first best friend's name?
23. Do you remember your first day at University?
24. Could you please remind me your phone number?
25. Did you talk to the teacher about me?
26. Were you sick last weekend?
27. Are you used to going to bed early?
28. Are you used to fixing your own breakfast?
29. Are you used to studying every afternoon?
30. Are you used to going out with your friends every weekend?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Module 3
Around the world

1. Which is the biggest square in your city?
2. Which is the smallest neighbourhood in your city?
3. Which state has the highest population in your country?
4. Is your dad taller than you?
5. Is your hause bigger than your teacher's hause?
6. Is your brother's bedroom bigger than yours?
7. Are your eyes' color very similar to your father's?
8. Is your handwrite completely different from mine?
9. Are you working as fast as you can?
10. Now, is your English much better than before?
11. Is the transportation here worse than the transportation in your city?
12. Is the life here cheaper than the life in Europe?
13. Do you have democratic rights in your country?
14. Is your city one of the oldest in your country?
15. Are there enough hospitals in your city/state?
16. Have you ever visited any historical city?
17. Would you like yo visit any special city in the world?
18. Is your city a historical one?
19. Do you recomend people to visit your country/city?
20. Has your country famous places?
21. In which part of your country is located the most beautiful state/city?
22. Have you visited your whole country?
23. Would you like to visit your whole country with your friends?
24. Would you like to travel abroad alone?
25. Can you give advice about what to eat in your city?
26. Which places do you recomen to visit in your city?
27. Which is the cheapestway to travel about?
28. Where do you have to go to park a car?
29. Does she like the same color than you?
30. Is he as old as you?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Module 4
Life stories

1. Have you ever have an affair?
2. Have you ever left home?
3. Would you like to pass your driving test?
4. Have you ever met any twins?
5. Would you like to have a twin?
6. Do you have anyremarkable similarities with your brother/sister?
7. Do you think twins have special similarities?
8. Have you ever had a pet?
9. Have you ever been married?
10. Have you been living in the same house all your live?
11. Have you ever suffer from any illness?
12. Have you met my teacher?
13. When was you born?
14. Since when do you know your boyfriend/girlfriend?
15. How long have you been working here?
16. How do you get home from here?
17. Did you get help to do your homework?
18. Did you get advice to solve your problem?
19. Have you ever get confused in an English lesson?
20. Have you ever met a famous person?
21. How long have you been living in your house?
22. Do you admire any famous people?
23. What kind of people do you admire?
24. Would you like to be as a person you admire?
25. What kind of personality do you think you have?
26. Are you the sort of person who's always cheerful?
27. Are you a positive and enthusiastic person?
28. Do you know someone who really annoys you?
29. Do you think you are a good talker?
30. Do you know someone who always sees the good side of things?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Module 5
Making plans

1. Do you have problems with your friends because of your differences?
2. Do you think your age has influence on your personality?
3. Have you ever forgot about something ypu had planned enthusiastically?
4. Will you be here tomorrow?
5. What are doing next week?
6. Are you going to stay here for a long time?
7. Are you about to go out tonight?
8. Are you planning something for the trip?
9. Would you like to have a holiday?
10. Have yoy ever work in a private company?
11. How long has your dad been out of work?
12. Did you do the math homework?
13. Do you think a police officer is well-paid?
14. Would you like to work long hours?
15. Do you think you are talented to do any job?
16. Are you a responsable person?
17. Do you think you are able to do any job?
18. Would you like to be the president of your country?
19. Would you like to work as a clown?
20. Can you bring my book as soon as possible please?
21. Will you come to class next time?
22. What are you doing when this lesson finish?
23. Are you thinking about go out with us?
24. What are you going to do after work today?
25. Are you getting away from university early tonight?
26. What time do you usually get home from work/university?
27. Did you call me yesterday?
28. Did you leave me a message on the answerphone?
29. Did you get a job?
30. Can you help me to get a job?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Module 6
News and Media

1. Do you think reading is boring or exiting?
2. How do you feel in your English class
3. What things make you feel frightened?
4. What kind of TV programs do you like?
5. Do you like science-fiction films?
6. Have you ever participate in a game show?
7. Do you like cartoons?
8. Have you ever known a shoplifter?
9. When was RCTV closed?
10. Was your last interview taken by proffesor Mary Pinto?
11. Was your first exam in this semester corrected by your teacher?
12. Is your breakfast usually fixed by your mother?
13. Will your teachers be changed for the next semester?
14. Is your homework made yourself?
15. Have you ever been on a diet?
16. How do you feel in an exam?
17. Have you ever feel confused in an interview?
18. Who was Man on Fire directed by?
19. Who was killed in the last scene of man on fire?
20. Where is English spoken?
21. When will be emited the grades of the exam?
22. Has this subject been interesting for you?
23. What clothes was worn by you last night?
24. Who was this question written by?
25. Who is this subject taken by?
26. Who was the last exam made by?
27. When will be given the summer's party?
28. How do you feel in a party?
29. How has MCC III been for you?
30. Who was the last exam failed by?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Module 7
Social Matters

1. Would you mind lending me ten pounds?
2. Could you possibly hold my bag for a minute?
3. Do you mind if I use your pencil?
4. Will you bring me my book please?
5. Can you listen to me for a minute?
6. Could you read the letter for me please?
7. Would you help me with my homework?
8. Do you think you could help me with the homework please?
9. Is it alright if I turn the TV on?
10. Is it OK if I open the window?
11. Could you please turn the radio down?
12. Can I use your computer?
13. Do you think we could have lunch together?
14. Shall we go to the movies?
15. Do you want me to take this for you?
16. Do you think I could stay here for a minute?
17. Could I take a sit?
18. Could I possibly wait for him here?
19. Do you want me to do it for you?
20. It's common for couples to get married late?
21. Do many people from your city tend to listen old music?
22. Do most people live in flats or in houses?
23. How many people in your house tend to go out on weekends?
24. How many people in your hause speak English?
25. Do people in your city tend to go to the beach?
26. Shall open the door for you?
27. Shall we go out tonight?
28. Do you want me to wait for you there?
29. Would you like me to buy a present for him?
30. Would you fix the breakfast?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Module 8
Things of Importance

1. Whose the car which is parked on my garage?
2. What's a piece of equipment which sends information along telephone wires?
3. What's a machine that does arithmetic?
4. What's a person who doesn't like machines?
5. What's a person who reads the news?
6. What's the house where you grew up?
7. Which is the car that you bought yesterday?
8. Which is the time when families get together?
9. How much money do you have in your bag?
10. How many years have you been living in your hause?
11. Can you bring some cakes?
12. Don't you have any problem with your boss?
13. It is enough for you?
14. Is the room plenty of light?
15. Do you have a blues shirt?
16. Do you have 2 pencils?
17. Do they have a lot of money?
18. Does the swimming pool lots of water?
19. Don't you have a piece of paper?
20. Are those chairs not enough for you?
21. Don't you have any friend here?
22. Did you met loads of people?
23. Does she have several relatives?
24. Did you work in couples?
25. Are there a few people?
26. Can you take a little sugar for me?
27. Can you bring me a bit of water?
28. Is there a little bit of coffee in the coffee machine?
29. Whose the hause which is green?
30.Where are the people who wear blue uniform from?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Module 9
Society and the future

1. Will you come next weekend?
2. Won't you wear the uniform tomorrow?
3. Will you definitely leave the job?
4. Are you likely to get the job?
5. Will you pass the exam?
6. Won't you see him tonight?
7. Will you take an English course here next year?
8. Might you decide where to stay?
9. May Venezuela win the next American cup?
10. Is it likely to rain today?
11. Could I be a famous actress one day?
12. Will you recognise my sister when you see her?
13. Will you go back home from University before 1pm?
14. Is your teacher likely to give you a lot of homework?
15. What would you do if someone hit you?
16. If someone try to rob you, what would you do?
17. Could you ever eat raw meat?
18. Would you feel OK in the daekness?
19. Would you know what to do if someone fall down the stairs?
20. Would you mind if I closed the door?
21. Would you mind if I left early today?
22. What would you do if you were me?
23. How would she feel if she had a rest?
24. Is it alright if I use your phone?
25. If you have enough time, will you help me?
26. Will you be worried if I don't phone you?
27. If I were the President of the country, would you be my secretary?
28. Is it OK if I phone you tonight?
29. If I were at home, would you phone me?
30. Is it alright if i bring my cat?
